Ukulele Chord Finder
I always have problems remembering the more complicated chords on the ukulele. You know, the ones ending in “aug”, “dim”, “7sus4”, etc… And it doesn’t help that my students prefer the c-tuning, whereas I rather like the d-tuning on my favourite uke. I keep a chord cheat slip in my uke bag, but that isn’t large enough for all combinations.
Also sometimes I accidentally come up with a fingering combination that sounds great, and then I start deciphering the notes and possible combinations to give that chord a name. With only four strings there are usually several possibilities to name that chord.
A while ago I found a great tool to solve these problems: An online ukulele chord finder! Here’s the link:
This great little app knows four different tunings (C, D, C / low G, and G), nineteen different chord options, and it can even play the chosen chord, so you hear how it should sound! You can also click on a virtual fretboard where you put your fingers and it will tell you all possible names of this chord. You want more variations in your songs: two blank buttons in the options section let you step through all possible variations of any chosen chord in the selected tuning.