JustFourStrings - You don't need six strings to sound amazing (but if you insist....)

What have I done?

by Dr Gonzo 0 Comments

A few weeks ago, about 2km into my early morning running training,  I was stopped by a well known local lady who waved at me from her car window. Somebody had told her that I was some kind of musician and “couldn’t I help her out at our local faire by playing a few songs in between to give their entertainer time for a drink and a trip to the loo”. Being who I am, I said “of course” and carried on with my workout. She actually stopped me a couple more times and now I am also helping setting up the marquee, doing some maître’d stuff (???), bringing my cargo-bicycle to do rides for the kids, and of course getting on stage to sing and play the uke. It slowly begins to sink in that this is going to happen NEXT SATURDAY (18th of August, also my wedding anniversary) and I haven’t stood on a stage on my own for about 30 years! I am alright playing with others, even singing a bit, even if I don’t really know the songs (I can always improvise and I can read chords from guitarrists hands rather quickly). All this doesn’t really bother me anymore. But this time it’s just me! I don’t know… where do these butterflies in my tummy suddenly come from? ARGHHHH… I better start practising….

Here’s the link, just in case you want to see me die on stage…

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