So, I started this wordpress website a while ago to announce to the world that I am offering bass and ukulele tuition here in North Norfolk. Well, actually, I mostly wanted to announce this to the good people in this region, as I don’t expect a student to commute more than a few 10 miles for a lesson. Then I thought about how to promote this website, so that more people would find it. So I started a page on Facebook (as you do…): I basically copied stuff from here to FB in the hope that people would then click on the links to this page and engage with me here (or call me about lessons).
Anyway, a few weeks ago I noticed that the number of followers on my FB page started to rise. A lot. Every day. Constantly. And I didn’t know any of the names that cropped up, none of the new followers ever contacted me or asked about lessons, all strangers, some with very foreign sounding names (not that I mind that, my name is “Schröer” after all), some names in a font that I couldn’t even read… What was going on?
Fortunately FB provides you with some helpful statistics once the number of your followers has finally crept to more than 30. They call it “Insights”. So last week I had a look and now I am completely confused:

I currently have 247 followers, 236 of which apparently are from the Philippines!!! 3 of the remaining 11 I know personally (and they are not students). 42% of my followers are young men between 18 and 24 years of age. Only 18% of my followers are female, which on its own is already quite disappointing, but the vast majority of those are teenagers!
Can anybody tell me what’s going on???
Oh, and a big “KAMUSTA” to my fans in the Philippines from sunny old Norfolk!!!