Looks like the virus has finally reached the wild East of the UK. Yesterday they reported 11 cases in Norfolk. I had another look at the curve showing cumulative cases in the UK and it is clearly exponential with a doubling time of around 3 days. That means in about 2 weeks time we will see the same problems as Italy now, if nothing drastically is done. We as individuals can’t influence the rate of testing (which obviously is an important factor), but we CAN slow the down the virus by self-isolating. And by this I mean “physical isolation” and NOT “social isolation”!
For the forseable future I won’t offer face to face tuition anymore. It’s just not worth the risk. My students and I stay in contact through email and social media. To keep the ball running we are starting recording projects. That should keep us occupied for quite a while. It also helps learning to play more accurately, as you can hear every little mistake. If you play live, mistakes are gone in milliseconds and you tend to ignore them. On a recording they stay FOREVER! I am looking forward to this 🙂
Stay safe, stay home!