Hi guys,
in these weird times of lockdown, clean air, and nothing to do (well for some of us), I thought I’ll invite you to do a little quiz and learn something new at the same time. Here’s a transcript I did earlier:

The mystery piece…

It’s a piece I wanted to learn for a long time and I think it sounds great on the ukulele. The chords are for C-tuning. It’s playable with high and low key G-string. Go ahead and give it a try! It’s not that hard. Start slowly and then speed up. The target speed is around the 136 to 140 mark. Try not to plant a finger on the uke whilst you are picking. It’s easiest to use the “claw hammer method”: Pick alternately with thumb and index finger, one note at a time.

Leave a comment if you figured out which piece it is, but don’t name it! The first three people who solve the quiz receive a free bag of original Norfolk Ukulele Sand, if they send me an email with their address!