When I was a younger (and not at all interested in musical notation), you could go to your local stationery shop on the high street and buy a5- and a4-sized music notebooks, basically exercise books with blank staff paper. I haven’t seen those for ages, I presume pupils don’t learn music notation at school anymore. Nevertheless as a music teacher I sometimes feel the need to write down a few notes or tabs for myself or my students. I used to draw lines with ruler and pencil and then copy these templates at the local copy shop (they seem to have vanished too). Luckily there’s a great website that lets you print your own staff paper: https://www.blanksheetmusic.net/
The pages are fully customisable for all your needs using a simple menu. You can choose different clefs, different tabs, lines for lyrics, etc, combine them all if you want, choose the magnification, and then just print out the staff paper on your own printer. Great!